
Warren - Life and Business Coach WordPress Theme

Hi, and welcome to the Warren User Guide. The User Guide covers all the information needed to use the Warren theme to build an amazing website, as well as some helpful tips and tricks that will make your experience working with the Warren theme easier and more enjoyable. If you need any additional assistance while using our theme, you can always submit a ticket to our support forum at https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/ and our support team will be glad to help you out.

You can navigate through different sections of the User Guide by clicking on the links in the menu to the left of your screen. You will also notice that we have highlighted certain parts of the text throughout the User Guide, such as important pieces of information, useful tips, and helpful code snippets, with different formatting for an easier overview. Here are some examples of the different formatting we use for Useful Tips, and Code Snippets:

This is a useful tip
<div class="code-snippet">This is a helpful code snippet</div>

In this first section of the Warren User Guide we will go through the essential steps required to start building your website with the Warren theme. We will explain how to install the theme, import the included demo content, as well as how to update the theme. At the end of this section you will also find a set of Frequently Asked Question related to troubleshooting the theme. 

Installing Warren

After downloading the Warren installation file from ThemeForest, extract it and in the extracted folder locate the warren.zip file. You can then install the Warren theme using one of the two following installation methods:

  1. WordPress upload - For most users, this is probably the simplest installation method. To install the Warren theme using this method, please follow these steps:
    1. Login to your WordPress admin panel
    2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme
    3. Click on Choose File and mikado warren.zip
    4. Click on Install Now
  2. FTP upload - If you would like to install the Warren theme via FTP, please follow these steps:
    1. Extract the warren.zip file you previously located. You should now see a folder named warren
    2. Using an FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is hosted
    3. Using an FTP client, navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory under your WordPress website's root directory
    4. Using an FTP client, upload the previously extracted warren folder to the themes directory on your remote server

Once the installation is complete, your Warren theme will be ready for use. Now all you need to do is navigate to Appearance > Themes and activate the Warren theme. After you have done this, you should see Warren Core Options appear in the left navigation bar of  your WordPress admin panel.

You should also see a notification at the top of the screen that required plugins need to be installed. Please install and activate all of the required plugins, since they are necessary for the theme to function properly.

Make sure to install and activate the "Qode Framework" plugin, since this plugin is of critical importance for proper theme functioning. After you have done so, please proceed with installing and activating the "Warren Core" plugin. This plugin includes core theme functionalities and custom post types that come with the theme (Portfolio, Testimonials, etc.), and without this plugin you will not be able to create any of these custom post types or the elements in the theme that require them. 
If writing permissions aren't set for folders containing CSS and JS files on your server, you will see a warning message at the top of the theme options page. In order to remove that message, you need to change permissions for the wp-content/themes/warren/assets/css and wp-content/themes/warren/assets/js folders and set them to 755. We recommend setting writing permissions in order to optimize your site performance. If you have any issues with this, please contact your hosting service provider. Alternatively, you can submit a ticket to https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/ with FTP access for your site, and our support team will take a look.
Warren is fully compatible with the free bbPress plugin for creating online forums. Please make sure to install and activate this plugin to gain access to all the features included with the theme. 

Theme Activation and Registration

In order to activate your copy of Warren, you should input your purchase code and email address, and thus effectively register the theme. To do this, please navigate to Warren Dashboard > Warren Dashboard and input the required information there. 

You can obtain your purchase code by following these steps: 

Note that you are not required to separately register any of the plugins which came bundled with the theme. 

Please note that if you used your purchase code on one installation, you are required to Deregister in order to use the purchase code on a different installation. 

You should also make sure to activate and register your copy of the theme before proceeding to the demo import process. 

It is also a good practice to refer to the System Info section to see if your server resources match the theme requrements. Navigate to Warren Dashboard > System Info and there you will find a general overview of your server configuration, as well as the theme information and an overview of all the active plugins. In System Information any parameters that do not meet the theme requirements will be shown in red, and you can also see the recommended values that you should set next to them. If you are unsure how to adjust the server resources, you can ask your hosting provider to perform this for you. 

Importing Demo Content

With the Warren theme, you have the option to either start creating your site from scratch, or choosing to import one of the included demo sites to use as a starting point, and then modifying it to suit your needs. In this section we will explain how to do the latter.

If you plan on building an online shop with Warren, you should install the WooCommerce plugin before importing the demo content. For more information on how to install WooCommerce, please read the WooCommerce section of this User Guide.
If you plan on using contact forms on your website, you should instal the Contact Form 7 plugin before importing the demo content so you recieve all the contact forms from our demo site. For more information on how to install Contact Form 7, please read the Contact Form 7 section of this User Guide.

Warren comes with a one-click import module. To import one of the included demo sites, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin panel
  2. Navigate to Warren Dashboard > Import 

  3. From the Import dropdown menu, choose the demo site that you would like to import.
  4. From the Import Type dropdown menu, choose what type of content you'd like to import:
    1. All - imports pages, content, widgets, and settings. We recommend this for users who would like to import a demo site exactly as it appears on our live demo.
    2. Content - imports only pages and their content. This option is recommended for users who would like to see how we've created our page layouts, but who want to keep their own settings in Warren Core Options.
    3. Widgets - imports only widgets. This option is recommended for users who would only like to populate the theme’s widget areas with the widgets from their chosen demo. No other content is imported.
    4. Options - imports settings in Warren Core Options only. This option is recommended for users who would like to achieve the same look and feel of their chosen demo site, but do not want to import any additional content.
  5. If you also wish to import media files (images, videos, sounds), make sure to set the Import attachments option to "Yes".
  6. Click on the Import button and wait for the import process to finish.

Updating Warren

You can update your theme by performing the following steps:

  1. Download the latest theme .zip file from ThemeForest
  2. Extract it and locate warren.zip
  3. Extract warren.zip and locate the warren folder
  4. Copy/Replace the contents of the warren folder to the /wp-content/themes/warren folder of your web site.

Troubleshooting FAQ

1. Why can't I save my menu?

WordPress by default has a limited number of menu items. When you import our demo content, which contains a lot of menu items, you might not be able to save changes you make to a menu. You can fix this problem by contacting your hosting and asking them to add the following lines to the php.ini file:

  1. suhosin.post.max_vars = 5000
  2. suhosin.request.max_vars = 5000
2. Why is there a smiley displayed on blank pages?

This problem is most likely related to JetPack and memory settings of your hosting. You can either disable JetPack or read what the JetPack developer wrote: Regarding the memory limit, please refer to the WordPress Codex section concerning this problem. Some sites that load many plugins alongside WordPress ultimately require a higher memory limit than WordPress defaults to, but since this is limited to specific hosts and configurations, it must be dealt with on an individual basis. You'll find the Codex article at: https://codex.wordpress.org/Common_WordPress_Errors#Allowed_memory_size_exhausted

3. How do I optimize my site?

Please use this tool to investigate reasons for slow loading: https://gtmetrix.com/

4. How to translate or rename default theme labels?

You can use the Poedit software (https://poedit.net/wordpress) to translate/rename all the theme's labels. Another solution is to edit the theme folder/languages/en_US.po file directly in a text editor and manually edit the labels you want to translate.

5. Why do I see a white screen when importing demo content?

If you get a white screen or some other error when trying to import our demo content, this probably happens because of the maximum execution time limit. You need to increase the maximum execution time (upload time) setting of your web server. The default maximum execution time on web servers is 30 seconds. Please increase it to 120 seconds. Possible ways of achieving this are:

You can also ask your hosting provider to take care of this for you.

Once you've installed Warren, you can start building your site. In this section of the User Guide we will explain how you can set up your header, upload your logo, create your menu, set up your footer area, customize the general look and feel of your website, and create your first pages.

Setting Up the Header

One of the first things you might want to do after you have installed and activated your Warren theme is to set up your header area. The header contains the logo, menu, search bar, side area icon, and other optional widgets.


To set up your header, navigate to Warren Core Options > Header from your WordPress admin panel. The settings you define here will be the default settings for all pages on your site. If you need any help in further understanding any of these options, please refer to the Warren Core Options section of this User Guide.



Some options, such as the header skin and background color, can be overridden on a page to page basis from a specific page’s backend. For more information on how local page settings work, please refer to the Pages section of this User Guide.

Uploading Your Logo

To add your logo to the header, navigate to Warren Core Options > Logo from your WordPress admin panel and click the upload button next to the Logo – Main field. After you upload your image and save the options, you should have a visible logo in your header area. For more information regarding the various logo types that can be uploaded, please refer to the Warren Core Options section of this User Guide.

Menu Creation

To create a new menu, navigate to Appearance > Menus from your WordPress admin panel. Enter a name for your new menu and then click Create Menu.

Every page that you have created will be listed in the section on the left named Pages. Simply check the pages that you would like to add to your menu and click the Add to Menu button. Once you have added pages to your menu, you can click and drag the menu items to rearrange them, or nest them one underneath the other.

In the Menu Settings section (which is located underneath the Menu Structure section), check the checkbox next to Main Navigation and click Save Menu. This will activate the menu you have just created, and you should now see a functional menu in your header.


To set up your footer, navigate to Warren Core Options > Footer from your WordPress admin panel.

The settings you define here will be the default settings for all pages on your site. If you would like both the top and bottom footer areas to be displayed, make sure that both the Enable Footer Top Area and Enable Footer Bottom Area options are enabled. If you need any help understanding any of these options, please refer to the Warren Core Options section of this user guide.

Content is added to your footer via widgets. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets from your WordPress admin panel. On the right side of your page you will see the widget areas for your footer. The widget areas for the top footer are named Footer Top Area - Column 1Footer Top Area - Column 2Footer Top Area - Column 3, and Footer Top Area - Column 4. On the left side of the Widgets page you will see the available widgets. To add a widget to one of the Footer widget areas, simply drag the desired widget to one of the Footer Column widget areas on the right.

To add content to the bottom footer, simply add widgets to the Footer Bottom widget areas. 

General Look and Feel

Now let’s set up the general look and feel of your site. If you have imported a demo site and would like to keep its general look and feel, then you do not need to do anything else. Otherwise, you can go to Warren Core Options > Typography and in the General Typography section set a default font family and styles for your site. Next, you can navigate to Warren Core Options > General, and in the Main Color field set a default main color for your site.

Now that you have set up the basic elements for your site, you’re ready to start building your pages.

Building Pages

To create a new page, navigate to Pages > Add New from your WordPress admin panel. In the text field near the top of the screen enter a title for your page. After you have added a title, choose the “Full width” template from the section on the right named Page Attributes. This will allow you to add sections to your page that span across the whole width of the screen.

In the bottom section of your screen you will find local page settings. Any settings that you define here will override the global settings set in Warren Core Options

It is generally considered good practice to set up the look and feel of your site on a global level, and override the settings when necessary on a local level. This will save you a lot of time, unlike if you were to set up every page separately.

To start adding elements to your page, first make sure that you are in the Elementor editor view. If the blue button near the top left of the page says EDIT WITH ELEMENTOR, click on it to enable the Elementor Page Builder view.

Once you’re in the Elementor Page Builder view, you can start adding elements to your page. To locate the custom elements that come with the theme, scroll down to the bottom of the Elementor toolbar until you reach the section named Mikado - this is where you'll find all our custom-made shortcodes.

You can also type in the name of the desired element in the Search Widget... search field located at the top of the toolbar. Note that you can add the elements of your choosing by drag-and-dropping them on the page, which is displayed on the right side of the screen. You can learn more about individual elements in the Custom Shortcodes section of this user guide.

Finally, click the Publish button in the lower right section of the Elementor toolbar. (If you made some changes on an already published page, you will see an Update button instead).

Useful tip: you have the option to disable specific shortcodes, post types and icon packs, e.g. the ones you will not be using in any way. Doing so may result in improvement of your website's performance. If you wish to disable any of these options, you should navigate to Appearance > Customize > Warren Performance. You can choose which features you wish to disable from there. 

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss page creation in more detail, including the various page templates available in the theme, and all the page specific options.

When creating a new page, one of the first things you will probably want to do is to choose an appropriate template for your page. To this this, visit your page from the backend (or create a new page by going to Pages > Add new), and locate the Page Attributes section on the right side of the screen. Warren comes with a variety of page templates to choose from:

Now that you have chosen an appropriate template, let’s go over the custom fields available for pages.

Please note that any settings you save here will override the global settings you've set in Warren Core Options. It is generally considered good practice to set up the look of your pages on a global level, and then override settings on a local level, if necessary. This will save you a lot of time, unlike if you were to set up every page locally.

Warren Settings

Page Settings
Footer Settings
Footer Area
Header Settings
Main Menu
Scroll Appearance Section
Minimal Header
Standard Header
Top Area
Logo Settings
Header Logo Options
Mobile Header Logo Options
Mobile Header Settings
Sidebar Settings
Title Settings
Title Area

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of blog posts and all the available options for each post, setting up pages to display blog listings, as well as how to change the date format for your posts.

Blog Posts

To create a new blog post, go to Posts > Add New from your WordPress admin panel. First, you need to enter a title for your blog post in the text field near the top of the screen. Then choose a format for your blog post in the Format section on the right side of the screen.

Let's take a look at the available blog post formats:

Now it's time to categorize this post:

  1. Beneath the Format section you will see a section named Categories. Here you can mikado the categories that you would like to add this post to. If you would like to create a new category, click on the + Add New Category link. A text field will appear in which you can enter a category name, and then click Add New Category.
  2. Once you've mikadoed the categories you would like to add your post to, click the Publish button. Congratulations, you've just published your first blog post!
  3. Beneath the Categories section you will see the Tags and Featured Image sections. Here you can add tags to your post, and set a featured image which will be displayed for this post on blog list pages.

Now that we have published our first blog post, let’s go over the available custom fields for blog posts.

Note that most of them are the same custom fields you'll find when creating standard pages.

Blog Single

Warren Settings

Page Settings
Footer Settings
Footer Area
Header Settings
Main Menu
Scroll Appearance Section
Minimal Header
Standard Header
Top Area
Logo Settings
Header Logo Options
Mobile Header Logo Options
Mobile Header Settings
Sidebar Settings
Title Settings
Title Area

Blog Lists

After you have created enough posts, you also need to create a blog list where all of these posts will be displayed. To create a blog list, you first need to create a new page on which your blog list will be displayed, and in the page's backend find the Blog List shortcode. You also have the option to create a blog slider using the Blog Slider shortcode. For a more detailed look into the Blog List as well as the Blog Slider elements, refer to the Custom Shortcodes section of this guide. 

Date Format

If you wish to change the date format on blog posts, navigate to Settings > General > Date Format from your WordPress admin, and mikado your format of choice.

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of portfolio items, as well as how to add portfolio lists to your website pages.

Portfolio Items

To create a new portfolio item: 

  1. Navigate to Warren Portfolio > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your portfolio item in the text field near the top of the page.
  3. On the right side of the screen you will see a section named Portfolio Categories. Here you can select the categories that you would like to add this portfolio item to. If you would like to create a new category, click on the + Add New Category link. A text field will appear in which you can enter a category name, and then click Add New Category.
  4. Once you have checked the categories you would like to add your post to, click the Publish button.

Beneath the Portfolio Categories section are the Portfolio TagsAttributes, and Featured Image sections. In the Portfolio Tags section, you can enter tags for this portfolio item. In the Attributes section, you can set the order in which you would like this portfolio item to appear in portfolio lists. In the Featured Image section, you can set an image to be displayed for this item on portfolio lists.

Now that you have set up your first portfolio item, let’s go over the available custom fields for portfolio items.

Note that most of them are the same custom fields you'll find when creating standard pages.

Portfolio Settings

General Settings
Gallery - Big
Gallery - Small
Images - Big
Images - Small
Masonry - Big
Masonry - Small

You can also choose the Portfolio Custom type, if you would like to build your portfolio from scratch via shortcodes, like you would any other page.

Media Settings
Info Settings


Page Settings
Content Bottom
Footer Settings
Footer Area
Header Settings
Main Menu
Scroll Appearance Section
Centered Header
Minimal Centered Header
Minimal Header
Standard Header


Top Area
Logo Settings
Header Logo Options
Mobile Header Logo Options
Mobile Header Settings
List Settings
Sidebar Settings
Title Settings
Title Area

Portfolio Lists

A portfolio list displays a listing of your portfolio items, each of which can be clicked on for a detailed overview of the single portfolio item.

A portfolio list is added to pages via the Portfolio List shortcode. To add a portfolio list to a page, navigate to the backend of that page and add the Portfolio List element to the page via Elementor Page Builder (by entering the Elementor Page Builder view, and then dragging the Portfolio List element from the element selection screen).. For a comprehensive overview of all the options provided in the Portfolio List element, please see the Custom Shortcodes section of this User Guide.

This section of the User Guide provides a comprehenisve overview of all the settings available in the Warren Core Options section of your WordPress admin panel. The settings found here are applied globally and will affect all pages on your website. However, note that many of these options can be overridden locally by applying settings on individual pages or on shortcode elements.



Header Logo Options
Mobile Header Logo Options




Minimal Header
Standard Header
Top Area
Main Menu Settings
Main Menu
Main Menu Typography
Scroll Appearance Settings

Mobile Header

General Settings
Minimal Mobile Header
Standard Mobile Header
Mobile Menu Settings
Mobile Menu Typography


Fullscreen Menu

Fullscreen Menu Typography




Footer Area


Search Page

Side Area


Blog List
Blog Single

Social Share



Podcast List
Podcast Single


Couse List
Course Single

Custom Cursor


Portfolio List
Portfolio Single


Product List
Product Single


Social Login

Subscribe Popup


In this section of the User Guide we will take a comprehesive look at all the custom shortcodes included in the theme and their repsective options.


The section element is a container element in which you can add other elements (shortcodes) and sort them on your page. Besides the standard Elementor Page Builder options for sections (you can access these options by hovering on a section and clicking the Edit Section button), you also have the custom options which we included with the theme. You can access these options by clicking the Edit Section button on the section of your choice, and then navigating to the Advanced tab located in the Elementor toolbar on the left side of the page. 

Warren Core Parallax
Warren Offset Image
Warren Grid
Warren Cursor Color

Portfolio List


The portfolio list shortcode enables you to present a listing of your portfolios on a page.


Portfolio Category List 

The portfolio category list shortcode enables you to present a listing of your portfolios by categories.  


Portfolio Project Info

You can use this shortcode to display an individual portfolio item; you can choose to display its title, category, tag, author, date or featured image. 


Scrolling Portfolio

You can use this shortcode to display your a list of projects over some background with text - the portfolio single images are scattered throughout the page and scroll independently. 


Masonry Gallery List 

You can use this shortcode to display a masonry-style gallery for your items.



Accordions allow you to organize your content and display only what is necessary at a particular moment.

After you have set up the accordion holder, you can add Accordion Child element and modify the following options:

Now you can enter content into your accordion. You can enter any shortcode into the accordion.

Author List

You can use this shortcode to display a list of authors on your website. 



You can use this shortcode to create a banner with a background image, link, title, subtitle, and some text.


Blog List

This shortcode allows you to display your blog posts on a page.




Buttons are a widely used element on the web and can be used for a variety of purposes.


Video Button

You can use this shortcode to add a video thumbnail image of your choosing alongside a button which you can link to a video. 

Call to Action

Call to Action elements allow you to display bold messages on your page, inviting viewers to follow a link or take some manner of action.


Clients List

You can use this shortcode to display your clients in a gallery or a slider layout. 



The countdown shortcode provides a great way to display a countdown timer on your page.


Counters are great for communicating information in the form of numbers.



You can use this shortcode to easily create a textual section with drop caps. 

Google Map

You can use this shortcode to display a Google Map anywhere on the page.


Icons are great for communicating all sorts of information.

Icon List Item

Icon List Items allow you to make lists using icons, rather than numbers or bullets.


Icon With Text

This shortcode allows you to easily add icons with text to your page.


Image Gallery

You can use the Image Gallery to display a grid or slider gallery of your images.

Gallery Settings

Image with Text

You can use this shortcode to create an image with some accompanying text.


Pricing Table

Pricing Tables are a great way to present your business' pricing packages.


Progress Bar

The Progress Bar element is great for communicating a large amount of information in a visual and easy to understand manner. 

Section Title

You can use this shortcode to add a title to any section.

Title Style
Text Style


Use the separator shortcode to create a visual divider between elements and sections on your pages.


Social Share

You can use this shortcode to add social share icons to pages.


Tabs allow you to organize your content and display only what is necessary at a particular moment.

After you have added the Tabs shortcode to your page, you can start adding individual tabs by adding the Tabs Child shortcode and changing the following settings for each tab:

Now you can add content to the tab. You can insert any shortcode inside the tab.

Team List

This shortcode alows you to easily create a list of your team members.


Product List

You can use this shortcode to display a list of your shop products. 


Product Category List

You can use this shortcode to display a list of your products belonging to a specific category. 


Custom Font

You can use this shortcode to create a textual section using a custom font.


In the remaining tabs, you can set a font size, line height, and letter spacing for each responsive breakpoint.

Text Marquee

You can use this shortcode to create a section with scrolling text.


Image Marquee

You can use this shortcode to create a scrolling image section. 

Events List

You can use this shortcode to display a list of your events. 


Interactive Link Showcase

This shortcode provides a great way to create eye-catching full screen showcases with multiple links and images. 

Cards Gallery

You can use this shortcode to create a gallery section where the images shuffle or appear stacked akin to a deck of cards. The image from any layer of the deck can be brought to top of the deck by clicking on it. 

Stacked Images

You can use this shortcode to create an image gallery with a stacked effect.


This shortcode lets you easily add a customizable stamp element with text.



You can use this shortcode to create a highlighted textual section. 

Item Showcase

You can use this shortcode to showcase an image and place informative text around it.

After you have set the image, you can start adding Item Showcase child elements, and setting the following options for each one:

Info Section

You can use this shortcode to create an informative section containing a title, some text, background text and a button. 

Background Text

Instagram List

You can use this shortcode to display a list of your instagram photos.

Course List

This shortcode alows you to easily create a list of your courses.


Course Search

You can use this shortcode to display a search filter for the courses on your website. 

Instructor List

You can use this shortcode to display a list of instructors on your website. 


Podcast List

You can use this shortcode to display a podcast list on your website pages.


In this section of the User Guide we will discuss how to create and how to add them to your website pages.

Testimonials are a great way to show potential clients what others are saying about your business.

To create a testimonial, navigate to Testimonials > Add New from your WordPress admin panel and enter a title for your testimonial in the text field near the top of the screen.

Warren Testimonials

Fill in the following fields to complete your testimonial:

You can now assign your testimonial to a category. On the right side of the screen you will see a section named Testimonial Categories. Here you can mikado the category that you wish to add this testimonial to. If you would like to add a new category, click on the + Add New Testimonials Category link, and a text field will appear in which you can enter a name for your new category. Then click on Add New Testimonials Category.

After you have mikadoed the categories you want to add this testimonial to, click the Publish button.

Finally, in order to display your testimonials on a page, go to that page from the backend and click the Add Elements button, and from the elements menu mikado Testimonials List.

You can now edit how your testimonials display on the page by adjusting the following options:


In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of team items, as well as how to add team lists to your website pages.

Team Items

To create a new team item: 

  1. Navigate to Team > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your team item in the text field near the top of the page. This will usally be the name of the team member.
  3. On the right side of the screen you will see a section named Team Categories. Here you can mikado the categories that you would like to add this team item to. If you would like to create a new category, click on the + Add New Category link. A text field will appear in which you can enter a category name, and then click Add New Category.
  4. Once you have checked the categories you would like to add your team item to, click the Publish button.

Beneath the Team Categories section is the Featured Image section. In the Featured Image section, you can upload a picture of your team member.

Now that you have set up your first team item, let’s go over the available custom fields for team items. 

Team Single

Team List

A team list displays a listing of your team items (members), each of which can be clicked on for a detailed overview of the single team item.

A team list is added to pages via the Team List shortcode. To add a team list to a page, navigate to the backend of that page and add the Team List element to the page via Elementor Page Builder (by entering the Elementor Page Builder view, and then dragging the Team List element from the element mikadoion screen). For a comprehensive overview of all the options provided in the Team List element, please see the Custom Shortcodes section of this User Guide.

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of client items, as well as how to add client lists to your website pages.

Client Items

To create a new client item: 

  1. Navigate to Clients > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your clients item in the text field near the top of the page. This will usally be the name of one of your business clients.
  3. On the right side of the screen you will see a section named Clients Categories. Here you can mikado the categories that you would like to add this clients item to. If you would like to create a new category, click on the + Add New Category link. A text field will appear in which you can enter a category name, and then click Add New Category.
  4. Once you have checked the categories you would like to add your clients item to, click the Publish button.

Beneath the Clients Categories section is the Featured Image section. In the Featured Image section, you can upload a picture displaying your client (e.g. their company logo). 

Now that you have set up your first clients item, let’s go over the available custom fields for clients items. 

Clients Parameters

Clients List

A clients list displays a listing of your clients items, each of which can be clicked on for a detailed overview of the single clients item.

A clients list is added to pages via the Clients List shortcode. To add a clients list to a page, navigate to the backend of that page and add the Clients List element to the page via WPBakery Page Builder (by clicking on the Add Element button, and then choosing the Clients List element from the element mikadoion screen). For a comprehensive overview of all the options provided in the Clients List element, please see the Custom Shortcodes section of this User Guide.

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of Course items, as well as how to add courses to your website pages.

As with all other custom post types, in order to enable displaying courses on your website, you need to activate the Warren Core plugin. After you have done this, you can start creating Course Items.

Course Items

To create a new course item: 
  1. Navigate to Warren Course > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your course item in the text field near the top of the page.
  3. On the right side of the screen you will see two sections named Categories, and Tags. You can use these two sections to categorize your course and add tags to it. If you wish to create new categories or tags, you can do so here by clicking + add new or you can navigate to Emeritus Course and add new categories & tags from there. 
  4. Once you have set up the categories and tags you would like to add your course to, click the Publish button.

Beneath the Categories and Tags sections are the Post Attributes, and Featured Image sections. In the Post Attributes section, you can set the order in which you would like this course item to appear in course lists. In the Featured Image section, you can set an image to be displayed for this course (like a cover image).

Now that you have set up your first course item, let’s go over the available custom fields for course items.
Note that most of them are the same custom fields you'll find when creating standard pages.
  • Course List Image - Here you can add an image for this course to be displayed in course lists. 
  • Course Instructor - Pick an instructor for this course. 
  • Course Duration - Input a value corresponding to course duration. 
  • Course Duration Unit - Pick a unit you wish to use for course duration. 
  • Maximum Students - You can input the maximum number of students for this course here. 
  • Number of Retakes - Input the number of allowed retakes for this course here. 
  • Passing Percentage - Input the percentage the students are required to score on the test in order to pass it. 
  • Free Course - Set this option to "Yes" if you wish to mark this course as Free.
  • Price/Discount Price - Here you can input the regular and the optional discount price for this course. 
  • Featured Course - Set this option to "Yes" if you wish to mark this course as Featured.
  • Course Forum - Pick one of the previously created forums you wish to assign this course to. 
  • Pre-required Course - If there is a course required to take before this one, pick that course here. 
  • Reviews Section - Input some textual info to be displayed in the reviews section on this course single page. 
  • Syllabus - Input some text describing the course syllabus here. 
  • Section - Here you can input the individual curriculum course sections you wish to feature. For each of the sections you can provide a name, a title, and some descriptive text. 
  • Show Members Tab - Set this option to "Yes" if you wish to enable displaying course members. 
  • Members Description - Input some text for member description. 

Displaying Your Courses

You can display your courses on your website using the Course List and Course Search shortcodes. You can find more information on these shortcodes and the options available for them in the Custom Shortcodes section of this user guide. 


In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of Lessons. 


To create a new lesson: 
  1. Navigate to Warren Lesson > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your lesson in the text field near the top of the page.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields for your lesson found below; pick a lesson type, input lesson duration, choose a lesson duration unit, mikado whether you wish to mark this lesson as free, and input a message you wish to display to students upon completing the lesson. 



In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of Questions. 


To create a new question: 
  1. Navigate to Warren Question > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your question in the text field near the top of the page.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields for your question found below; input a description for the question, choose between choice and textual question types, input question answer(s), amount of points the question brings, and a hint for this question. 

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of Quizzes. 


To create a new quiz: 
  1. Navigate to Warren Quiz > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your quiz in the text field near the top of the page.
  3. Fill in the relevant fields for your quiz found below; input quiz duration time, pick a quiz duration unit, set a maximum number of retakes allowed for the quiz, the passing percentage, and a message you wish to display to users upon quiz completion. You can also add previously created individual quiz questions here. 

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of Event items, as well as how to add events to your website pages.

Event Items

To create a new event item: 

  1. Navigate to Warren Events > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Enter a title for your event item in the text field near the top of the page.
  3. On the right side of the screen you will see a section named Event Types. You can use this section to categorize your event. 
  4. Once you have set up the categories you would like to add your event to, click the Publish button.

Beneath the Events Type section are the Attributes, and Featured Image sections. In the Attributes section, you can set the order in which you would like this event item to appear in event lists. In the Featured Image section, you can set an image to be displayed for this event.

Now that you have set up your first event item, let’s go over the available custom fields for event items.
Note that most of them are the same custom fields you'll find when creating standard pages.
Event Item
Social Settings

Displaying Your Events

You can display your events on your website using the Events List shortcode. You can find more information on this shortcode and the options available for it in the Custom Shortcodes section of this user guide.  

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the creation of podcasts, as well as how to add them to your website pages.

Poscast Items

To create a new event item: 

  1. Navigate to Warren Podcast > Add new from your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Enter a title for your podcast item in the text field near the top of the page.
  3. On the right side of the screen you will see sections named categoriestags and attributes. You can use this section to categorize your podcast. 
  4. Once you have set up the categories you would like to add your event to, click the Publish button.
Now that you have set up your first podcast item, let’s go over the available custom fields for event items.
Note that most of them are the same custom fields you'll find when creating standard pages.

Podcast Settings

General Settings
List Settings

Displaying Your Podcasts

You can display your podcasts on your website using the Podcast List shortcode. You can find more information on this shortcode and the options available for it in the Custom Shortcodes section of this user guide.  

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss the available widgets and widget areas in the theme.

Widgets are easy to manage and can be incredibly useful to have on your site.

For Warren, we have developed custom widgets and widget areas in order to provide you with even more functionality. You also have the option of creating your own custom sidebars (custom widget areas).


Please note that you need to have the Woocommerce plugin installed in order for the Warren WooCommerce Dropdown Cart widget to appear in the widget mikadoion.

Widget Area

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss how to install and set up the WooCommerce eCommerce plugin with Warren.

Warren comes with WooCommerce integration, which allows you to easily create an online shop. For more information on installing and configuring WooCommerce, please visit this page:


In order to set up WooCommerce with the Warren theme, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Plugins > Add New from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Type “WooCommerce” in the search field.
  3. Locate "WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce" in the search results and click on Install Now.

  4. Once the installation has completed, click on Activate Plugin.
  5. You will now see a notice saying “Welcome to WooCommerce – You're almost ready to start selling :)". If you plan on importing demo content, click on Skip Setup. Otherwise, click Install Pages.
  6. If you plan on importing demo content, you should first set the product image sizes in order to achieve the same look as on our demo sites. Navigate to Appearance > Customize and click on WooCommerce, and then the Product Images.  There you will be able to set the main image width and the thumbnail image width. Please note that under the Thumbnail cropping section you should either mikado Uncropped or Custom  aspect ratio. If you choose to crop the images to a Custom aspect ratio, please make sure that the images are set to identical dimensions for both the product list and the product single.
  7. See Importing Demo Content in the Getting Started section of this user guide and perform the process explained there.
  8. Create a page for your shop. Then navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display and choose the page you create as your Shop Page (in the "Shop Page" field).

Creating Products

To create a new shop product, please navigate to Products > Add Product. Here you can set up all the standard WooCommerce options for each product, as well as some custom theme options:

Product List

In this section of the User Guide we will discuss how to install the Contact Form 7 plugin and how to add contact forms to your pages.

Warren comes with Contact Form 7 integration, making it possible to create contact forms for various purposes.
In order to setup Contact Form 7, please perform the following steps: 
  1. Navigate to Plugins > Add New from your WordPress admin panel.

  2. Type "Contact Form 7" in the search field.
  3. Locate "Contact Form 7" in the search results and click on Install Now.

  4. Once installation is complete, click on Activate Plugin.

Now when you use Elementor Page Builder while creating your pages, you will see a new shortcode in the list of shortcodes – the Contact Form 7 shortcode.

Click on this shortcode to add a contact form to your page. There are several fields to fill in:

You can read more about the Contact Form 7 plugin at https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/.

3rd Party Integration

If you wish to integrate a newsletter sending service, you need to additionally install a plugin called "Forms: 3rd-Party Integration." You can check out the link to their site here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/forms-3rdparty-integration/.

Once you've completed the installation process and activated this plugin, navigate to Contact > Integration from your WordPress admin panel in order to set the options. For more information on setting up this plugin, check out the following link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/forms-3rdparty-integration/screenshots/.